Friday, August 27, 2010

The First Post Of My First Blog

This is the first blog I have ever had and probably ever will have. My name is Kristi, this is my fourth year at San Jose State, but I am junior standing. The beginning of the school year is always very bittersweet to me. There is the excitement of new classes, new teachers, who will you know in your class, who will you meet in your class and so on. And then there is getting back to grind. The assignments, balancing social life and school life, getting priorities in order, and still trying to make the most of your college life. This semester I really need to bring my grades up, so I need to start the year off working hard! Last semester I had a hard time balancing my school work and my other obligations to my organizations, but now that I have more of an idea of how time consuming some of my obligations are I think I can balance my time better. This whole thing is a little bit weird to me. I like the fact that writing this much is going to make me a better writer and I understand making it public will make me more thoughtful about my writing, but even still I am very uncomfortable with stranger's possibly reading my writing. I also think blogs are sort of lame. I am hoping that this assignment will change my mind about that though. My dad has a blog that he often sends me the link to so that I can read his posts every now and then. He has even written posts about me sometimes. I doubt that I will send him the link to my blog, but maybe once I am more comfortable with this writing outlet I will. At this point I am not even sure if I am doing this whole blog thing correctly. It feels kind of like a rant and I don't know if maybe that's just my style at the moment or if I am doing something wrong. I don't want to write about the wrong thing and be over harshly criticized either. I think I understand what the basic expectations of me are for this assignment, but I am still a little fuzzy on the expectations. However, I am positive I will learn. I think I understand what the basic expectations of me are for this assignment, but I am still a little fuzzy on the expectations. However, I am positive I will learn. Anyways I think that this is all I am going to write for this post, since I am still not sure if I am doing this right. Can’t wait to learn more about this and the next assignments! :)

Words of the Week
(all definitions found from my Mac's dictionary application)

esoteric: adj. intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest.
I found this word in the book for my Pols 195A class. I thought it was really pretty sounding, but I didn't know exactly what it meant.

lesion: noun. a region in a organ or tissue that as suffered damage through injury or disease, such as a wound, ulcer, abscess, tumor etc.
This word I thought pretty cool sounding as well. One of my roommates was reading an interesting passage from her Psychobiology book and I decided to look that one up also.