Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Want A Break

Since my picture is from the SJSU tailgate I will start off by saying, the Spartans lost on Saturday... big surprise.

I have been a bit stuck on what to write about this week. The only thing on my mind is midterms and school. I feel like I have been studying non-stop for midterms and exams and all I want is a break. I guess it is a good thing that the weather is not too great because I will not be distracted by wanting to go outside and play in the sun, but this gloomy weather only makes me want to snuggle in my bed and watch movies all day, not study. Maybe I need to catch up on some sleep and then I will be more motivated to study. This past weekend I barely slept at all I was so busy because I made so many plans, maybe even over-booked myself. Then Sunday night I was up until 2 am studying for a midterm I have Wednesday. Monday everyone kept asking me if I was sick, but I was just so tired and out of it that I must have looked sick. I still feel really tired and out of it, but I feel like I have so much to do and catch up on for school that who knows when I will ever be well rested again. I try to set up schedules and lists and goals so I make sure to get all my work done, but lately I feel as though I am falling behind because I have not had as much time as I usually need to sleep. When I do not get enough sleep my brain does not work as well and I forget about things that I tried to make sure I would remember to do. I guess there is not much else to do but to keep trying. I am not sure if I am too hard on myself because I always feel so awful when I forget about something. Or perhaps I am too easy on myself because I allow myself to forget about these things. I wish I could just have a week off to relax and catch up on everything so I would feel better about how I am doing in my classes. I guess my life is never dull and that is a plus, but the downside to always having something to do is that I want to do everything even though I might not have time for it all.

Words of the Week:

Both words this week were found from my Pols 150 notes.

Caveat: noun, a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.

Deterrent: noun, a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

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