Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What to Write...

Right now I feel as though I am stretching for something to write about. All these grammar lessons have me second guessing all of my writing. I try to go back and edit, but I always feel like I am missing something. Right now I am sitting in my night class. I should be taking notes, but instead I am writing this blog. I will admit, I forgot to do my blog over the weekend and then Tuesday came so fast that this seems like the only time I was going to have to do it. I think I realized that I often write how I speak. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but if it's bad then I am not sure how to stop. These weekly blogs are the only homework assignments that are open ended in a way. Although I do find myself feeling bad when I don't write about politics. Maybe I find it harder to write about politics because all my classes are Political Science classes so I do a lot of writing in that area on a regular basis. These blogs are almost like a break in a way. They are like a public journal I guess, which I still find kind of creepy. A girl in this class is wearing a shirt that says something like "I'll put that in my blog." I guess that means she likes blogging? I have always wondered what kind of people want to have blogs? However, I guess I am sort of becoming one of those people, which is hard for me to embrace. Since I can't seem to think of anything to write about I guess I am just writing my mind flow, or as others might call it my stream of conscience-ness. Today has been the only day that I wanted to go to class. The only reason is because I wanted to get out of my house. The only person I have been getting along well with lately is my boyfriend. I love my sisters no matter what, but I think I have been spending too much time with them recently and I need a break. Luckily I have Mike to hang out with most nights. I know the week has barely started, but I can't wait for the weekend because my roommates will be gone and I need that break desperately.

Words of the Week:

Both from a POLS 195A reading.

conceptualization: verb, form a concept or idea of (something)

substantive adj, having a firm basis in reality and therefore important, meaningful, or considerable

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