Sunday, September 19, 2010

Taking A Breath

After another crazy weekend, today has been a rather relaxing day. My roommate and I went grocery shopping, which we decided is therapeutic in a way. I am not really sure why we decided this, but I definitely think it is true. There is something that makes me feel comforted in buying my food. This idea sounds really weird as I type it. After grocery shopping I cleaned my side of the room, which also seemed a bit cathartic to me. My best friend would call it cleaning counseling, not sure that I would call it the same, but it was definitely soothing to get everything organized. Since then I have been doing all my homework that is due for the coming week. I should feel pretty accomplished about getting things done on schedule, but I feel a tiny bit rushed mixed with accomplishment. Maybe it is just because I get nervous about getting good grades on assignments and that full sense of accomplishment will not come to me until I get my graded assignments back. I just feel like I am really behind, but when I look at my calendar I am getting everything done on time. I am worried there is something I am forgetting. I am hoping to get ahead for the week so I can take a breath. So far keeping my school work, social life and sorority life pretty balanced. I just hope I can continue like this the rest of the year. I am thankful to have sisters that support me and help me stay on track in every aspect of my life. I think I might be coming around to this whole blog thing. I kind of enjoy being able to somewhat vent about what has been going through my mind. Although I am not too sure if I am doing it right, if there is even a wrong way to do it. I guess this blog is also becoming kind of a therapy for me as well.

Words of the Week:

This week I have more than just two words because I found myself looking up a lot of words while I was doing reading for my Pols 120 and 150 classes and I decided to just put them all in this week's blog.

pragmatic: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

erosive: the gradual destruction or diminution of something.

jettison: throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship.

mitigate: make less severe, serious, or painful.

complacency: a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one'sachievements.

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